As a young woman on my own, I did not always know how to cook the food that I loved to eat while simultaneously making it good for my body & soul. The first cookbook I used, Smitten Kitchen, changed that. Deb Perelman taught me how to cook food that made my heart & soul happy. Ever since, I've been devouring my way through new cookbooks, learning techniques from some of the greatest home cooks out there and creating recipes that I hope to share with you.
My journey with food has evolved throughout the years, searching for the type of food that makes my body feel best. I've eaten vegan, vegetarian, paleo, and Whole30 in an attempt to heal myself and be the healthiest me I can be. What I've found is that every body is different. What works for me, may not work for you. I'll be including food I eat: tried and true recipes that I use daily. They need to have lots of flavor and be "worth it" time-wise to make the cut. I love creating foods for different dietary needs so you will find many things that can feed all types and are perfect for entertaining. These will fit a wide variety of dietary restrictions, leaning mostly paleo-ish, and utilizing whole foods.
You will also find tips for home & life. This naturally evolved as I started talking about different decor and DIY projects with family. I also love to travel and eat out so you'll find some of my thoughts on those topics as well. Please reach out via the contact section if you have any questions for me - I hope you can use me as a resource to live well.
NOUN a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin and smooth, oily edible flesh.
ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from Spanish, alteration of aguacate, from Nahuatl ahuacatl.
SEE ALSO love.